Overview of the Federation

The National Federation of Mutual Aid Associations for Municipal Personnel (hereinafter referred to as the "Federation") promotes valid and efficient operation of services for Mutual Aid Associations for Personnel of Designated Cities, Mutual Aid Associations for Municipal Personnel, and Mutual Aid Associations for Personnel of Cities (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Member Associations") under the Local Public Officers, etc. Mutual Aid Association Act (Act No. 152 of 1962), and performs services related to long-term benefits, as well as engaging in the projects to increase the welfare of the Membership of the Constituent Associations (hereinafter referred to as the "Membership").

1. Associations constituting the Federation and the number of the Membership

The Federation constitutes ten Mutual Aid Associations for Personnel of Designated Cities, forty-seven Mutual Aid Associations for Municipal Personnel, and three Mutual Aid Associations for Personnel of Cities.

In addition, the Member Associations comprising of personnel from municipal associations and partial affairs associations, Mutual Aid Associations for Personnel of Designated Cities organized by each designated city, Mutual Aid Associations for Municipal Personnel organized by each zone of prefectures, and Mutual Aid Associations for Personnel of Cities organized by one city or two or more cities, aim to work for the efficient operation of public services and contribute to the stability of lifestyle and improvements in welfare for the Membership and their dependents, and Beneficiaries.

2. Projects conducted by the Federation

(1) Long-term benefits project

We decide long-term benefits and make the payments, and in order to promote their valid and smooth implementation, conduct necessary projects such as providing guidance for the Member Associations on their administrative work related to the long-term benefits.

(2) Provision of information, etc. to the Member Associations

We provide the Member Associations with technical and expert knowledge and other materials on their services.

(3) Guidance for the Member Associations on their administrative work

We provide guidance for the Member Associations on their administrative work so that short-term benefits by the Member Associations, calculation of funds and management of assets required for the short-term benefits are correctly conducted.

(4) Grant project of disaster benefit fund

Aiming for equal and smooth operation of disaster benefits by the Member Associations (benefits if housing or household goods of the Membership are damaged by water, earthquakes, or fire), the Federation establishes a fund for disaster benefits by the Associations, and each time disaster benefits are provided, the required fund is granted.

(5) Financial adjustment project for short-term benefits

We implement the grant project of an adjustment subsidy and the joint sharing project of an expensive medical benefit cost in order to improve the financial soundness of short-term benefits by the Menmber Associations.

(6) Special financial adjustment project for short-term benefits

We implement the grant project of a special adjustment subsidy in order to improve the financial soundness of short-term benefits by the Member Associations and other associations designated by Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications.

(7) Health benefits project

We conduct a project on the health and welfare of the Member Associations.

(8) Joint protection project of loans receivable

If the Membership who receive a loan from the Member Associations are unable to pay off the loan by retirement benefits when they retire, or seek protection under the Bankruptcy Act or the Civil Rehabilitation Act, the Federation protects loans receivable by the Member Associations by providing the insurance money or protection subsidy for the outstanding payment.

(9) Group credit life insurance project

If the Membership who receive a loan from the Member Associations, in the middle of redeeming the loan, retire owing to death or are left in a state of advanced disability, the Federation, by repaying the obligations with the insurance money, aims for stability of the bereaved family’s life, increases the welfare of the Membership, and protects loans receivable by the Member Associations.

In addition, as a supplementary project of this insurance, we provide a support insurance for repayment of obligations, which supplements a repayment equivalent amount for loans of those who became unable to work owing to medical treatment of illness as an insurance money.

(10) Joint project related to child care and nursing care leave benefits

Aiming for the smooth implementation of a project for the child care and nursing care leave benefits by the Member Associations and Mutual Aid Associations for Personnel of Designated Cities, the Federation conducts a joint project related to the grant of a fund required for the child care and nursing care leave benefits.

(11) Management of accommodation facilities

We operate Tokyo Green Palace, which is a facility for accommodation and meetings of the Membership, etc.

3. Organization of the Federation

Organization of the Federation is as follows pursuant to the laws and ordinances.

(1) Officers

The Federation has a President, a Managing Director, twelve Executive Directors, and three auditors. Among them are full-time Managing Director and auditors with academic experience.

The officers take office as a result of an election by General Assembly members.

(2) General Assembly

The General Assembly is established to change articles of incorporation and operation rules of the Federation, and to determine its annual project plans and budgets, and financial results and other important administrative matters.

4. Treatment of personnel of the Federation such as salary and status

In addition, in principle, the appointment and dismissal of personnel, their salary, working hours, and other working conditions and duties are based on the treatment of national government employees.

National Federation of Mutual Aid Associations for Municipal Personnel
